[Media] VO handouts -- what tools/services to highlight? Draft for **Dec 19**

Budynkiewicz, Jamie Anne jbudynkiewicz at cfa.harvard.edu
Mon Dec 18 16:54:17 CET 2017

Hi Bruce,

Thanks for the inputs. And totally understandable Hmm... didn't think of
the time restraints for booth materials.  And making sure all IVOA partner
institutes' efforts are somehow contained in that handout. Good things to
keep in mind.

Concerning the booth materials problem, we could still at least hand them
out at the Student Reception on Monday night.  If an institute or person
wants to take some anyway, they could print out some copies (or grab some
from us).

Concerning what's on the handout, we could make the information more
general than a list of useful tools and services.  We could provide a link
to the Tools page on ivoa.net (making sure the page is up-to-date before

Some ideas:
  - If we decide to highlight anything, could we highlight the
tools/services advertized by the IVOA exhibitors at AAS? For other
conferences, we could update the highlighted list to tune to the exhibitors
at that meeting
    - cons:  it wouldn't be a great representation of all the work done by
IVOA partners; it would be localized to the meeting location
  - Be general  (e.g., Get Data, Analyze, and Publish -- check out the
links. Here's a tiny blurb on what the IVOA is), but point to IVOA partner
booths, related presentations (that we know of... this part might be hard
at this stage...)
  - We could have one handout at the undergraduate reception, and another
for tables.  I'm thinking, here's a list of tools for getting, analyzing,
viewing, sharing data that would be useful to an undergrad student.

I'll work on a couple ideas and send it out to the media group by the end
of the day (~6:00pm EST). If anyone has more ideas/comments today or
tomorrow, please share them and we can work them into the handout drafts.


On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 6:59 PM, Bruce Berriman <gbb at ipac.caltech.edu>

> Hi Jamie,
> Thanks for the e-mail. Thanks for offering to get this started - I regret
> I have a lot of deadlines in the next week (including the NAVO workshop for
> AAS) and can’t really take on the role of leading another task.
> There are matters for us to consider though. How would this handout be
> distributed?  An obvious answer is from the from exhibits of organizations
> involved in VO work. But that may not be that simple. All materials
> distributed at the IPAC booth have to be approved beforehand (and there are
> always changes!), and our materials are supposed to be complete by this
> Friday. I am sure the other organizations have comparable review processes
> and deadlines.
> What to include?  Again not trivial - let’s say (just for example) we
> decide to talk about TOPCAT and ESASky. Such a handout would never be
> permitted at the IPAC booth because IPAC played no part in deploying these
> services. Now, I don’t have a answer to what we talk about, but I think if
> distributed through several booths, it has to emphasize things that are of
> value to the US community that the broader US VO effort was involved in.
> Will try to find a few cycles in the next day or so to think about this,so
> I’ll get back to you.
> Cheers
> Bruce
> On Dec 13, 2017, at 12:06 PM, Budynkiewicz, Jamie Anne <
> jbudynkiewicz at cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Dear all,
> One of the items on our list was to come up with a VO handout for
> conferences. We have AAS coming up in a couple weeks (Jan 7-12), plus EWASS
> in April.
> So I ask all of us:
>   1.)  What VO tools and services should be highlighted on the handout?
>   2.)  Who wants to take the lead on making sure a handout gets sent to
> the Exec?
>          - (if no one takes the lead by Saturday, I'm happy to take it and
> get something together)
> I talked with Pepi this week, and she says it'd be good to have a draft
> handout for the Exec telecon meeting next week, **Tuesday, Dec 19**.
> I know it's a bit late in the game, so all inputs are greatly
> appreciated.  I'll be on Slack (https://ivoa.slack.com) throughout the
> week if people want to brainstorm ideas / show handout drafts.
> Thanks!
> Jamie
> --
> Jamie A. Budynkiewicz
> Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
> Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
> 100 Acorn Park Dr
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=100+Acorn+Park+Dr&entry=gmail&source=g>.
> R-377 MS-81
> Cambridge, MA 02140
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Jamie A. Budynkiewicz
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
100 Acorn Park Dr. R-377 MS-81
Cambridge, MA 02140
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