[kdd] KDDIG tasks 3 and 5

Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Fri Jul 16 10:04:14 PDT 2010

It would seem to me that these points below are intimately related: (3) 
the templates and (5) working with IVOA, meaning choice of data models 
and formats. I would see the following as interesting data objects for 
the KDDIG:

-- Catalog of sources, each with ID, position, magnitudes, ... more
-- Light curve of source, with time, magnitude, upper-limit 
observations, ... more.
-- Image, with WCS, calibration, ...more.

In each case, there is an IVOA approach to these things through the 
spectrum data model (VOTable + Utypes). There are also other formats for 
these things that are not IVOA approved. And of course there is always a 
call for the stripped-down CSV (just gimme the data). The archive can 
have many format choices (so what are they?).

One could also say that the formatting is easy once the data is in the 
database, which avoids choice of a specific syntax. But the *semantics* 
of that database schema must enable the *semantics* of every proposed 
output format.


>> 3. Begin to define a group of template datasets to be used for
>> benchmarking of algorithms (C. Donalek, Caltech-USA)
>> 5. Start the discussion on how the various DM tasks correlate with
>> existing VO standards and eventually propose to the new community new
>> ones.

California Institute of Technology
626 395 3670

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