A semester-long course on the VO: materials available

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Tue Aug 20 16:08:40 CEST 2024

Dear IVOA community,

apologies for posting this to interop@ rather than edu at ivoa.net, but I
suspect quite a few people who might be interested in this may not
(yet) subscribe to edu [1].

In case you ever wondered whether the VO should not have a place in a
normal university curriculum: Well, I just tried giving a
full-semester course on the Virtual Observatory at the University of
Heidelberg, with a clear focus on ADQL on the one hand and pyVO on
the other, but much else around that.

I have blogged about what that is, how it worked out, and how the
resulting teaching materials could be re-used at
<https://blog.g-vo.org/learn-to-use-the-vo.html>.  If you want to go
straight to the lecture notes, see

Any and all feedback is of course most appreciated.

       -- Markus

[1] Incidentally, the IG's mailing list could do with a few more
subscribers: http://mail.ivoa.net/mailman/listinfo/edu

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