IVOA May 2023 Interop - videos & group photo

Molinaro, Marco marco.molinaro at inaf.it
Tue May 16 12:25:23 CEST 2023

Dear interop,

Thanks to all participants in last week's
IVOA Northern Fall May 2023 Interoperability Meeting!

People attending in person in Bologna and remotely
contributed to a great event.

This is a quick follow up to let you know that:
- the group photo has been added to the programme page
- the recorded sessions are being uploaded to the CANFAR VOSpace
(this latter is also linked from the the programme page:

Looking forward to seeing you all again!

    Marco (on behalf of the LOC)

Marco Molinaro
INAF - Istituto Nazionale di AstroFisica
Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
email marco.molinaro at inaf.it
tel. [+39] 333 33 20 564 [also Telegram]
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