Datalink 1.1 RFC

BONNAREL FRANCOIS francois.bonnarel at
Fri May 5 11:14:39 CEST 2023

Dear all,
Thanks James
If you go to the RFC page you will find links toi the github DataLink 
repositiry and to the Twiki DataLink-next page. (basically they have the 
same content so read what you prefer)
For those coming to Bologna, the interop breaks and evennings may be an 
opportunity for you to discuss some of these matters with the authors
Le 21/04/2023 à 08:55, Dempsey, James (IM&T, Black Mountain) a écrit :
> Dear VO Community,
> The Data Access Layer working group invite you to review the Proposed 
> Recommendation on Datalink v1.1. The RFC period will run from 21 Apr 
> 2023 to 18 May 2023.
> DataLink describes the linking of data discovery metadata to access to 
> the data itself, further detailed metadata, related resources, and to 
> services that perform operations on the data.
> The twiki page for comments is 
> The GitHub page for issues and source is at 
> Please post all comments on the Twiki page rather than replying to 
> this e-mail.
> Cheers,
> James Dempsey and Grêgroy Mantelet – DAL WG chairs
> On behalf of the editors and authors of datalink
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