New Time Domain IG vice-chair and Radio Astronomy IG vice-chair

Christophe Arviset Christophe.Arviset at
Fri Jun 2 12:41:42 CEST 2023

Dear IVOA community

Following my closing remarks at the recent IVOA interop in Bologna (PowerPoint Presentation (<>, slide 6 in particular), I'm very happy to inform you all that the Exec has now approved the following nominations:

  *   Pierre Fernique in the role of vice-chair for the Time Domain Interest Group
  *   Mark Kettenis in the role of vice-chair for Radio Astronomy Interest Group

So we now have a fully formed TCG and I thank very much in advance all of its members for their collaboration in this context !

Thanks in advance



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Christophe ARVISET                       Christophe.Arviset at<mailto:Christophe.Arviset at>

Head of the Data Science and Archives Division
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