ivoatexDoc 1.3 published

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed Jun 8 17:48:20 CEST 2022

Dear IVOA community,

Apologies for the wide distribution, but since this is relevant to
potentially all contributors to IVOA documents, please bear with me.

The Note "The IVOATeX Document Preparation System" has hit the
document repository in version 1.3

The updates versus the previous versions mainly concern our move to
github.  There is a brand-new section 4
which in subsection 4.2 also has advice on a workflow that helps
avoid gotchas with the fork-and-merge development model the IVOA
employs.  Less pompously: if you want to propose changes to IVOA
documents, this should help you over the initial hurdles.

At least skimming the rest of the document will also help you
when you're next writing an IVOA document.  Or, failing that, it will
help the editor of the document you are contributing to.  Promised!

        -- Markus

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