IVOA Northern Fall 'Virtual' Interop meeting Oct 18-20 - *Save the Date*

Janet Evans janet at cfa.harvard.edu
Wed Aug 24 19:37:26 CEST 2022

Dear VO Community,
We are writing to inform you that the *IVOA Northern Fall Interop meeting will be Oct 18-20, 2022* and ask that you to "Save the Date" to participate in the meeting.  
There will be a Pre-Interop session on Oct 17 sponsored by the Education Interest Group for Newcomers or those who would like a refresher on current VO capabilities available to the community.
The meeting organization will be similar to our previous Virtual Interop meetings.  We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted and Gathertown will be available for side meetings.  We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone.
More information and registration will be available in the next few weeks. We look forward to another engaging IVOA meeting in October 2022.
Best Regards,
-Janet & Marco
(for the IVOA TCG)

Janet Evans
Chandra Data System Software Development Manager 
Chandra X-ray Center
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

Office: (617) 495 7160 | Cell: (617) 688 6084
60 Garden Street | MS 81 | Cambridge, MA 02138

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