Fwd: Preparations for IAU B2 Commission elections - vice president

Chenzhou Cui ccz at bao.ac.cn
Sun Feb 28 11:07:57 CET 2021

Dear colleagues,

Self-nomination is welcome!


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Preparations for IAU B2 Commission elections - vice president
Date: 	Fri, 26 Feb 2021 12:29:37 +0200 (SAST)
From: 	Anja Schroeder <anja at hartrao.ac.za>
To: 	Arnold Rots <arots at cfa.harvard.edu>, arnold at rots.net, 
seaman at lpl.arizona.edu, aaccomazzi at cfa.harvard.edu
CC: 	Chenzhou CUI <ccz at bao.ac.cn>

Dear OC members,

The closing date for nominations for the IAU elections is near (8th 
March) and so far we have only one nomination for the OC and none for 

I'd like to encourage you, being experienced OC members, to stand for 
election for the new vice-president (with the option to become president 
in the 2024-2027 term). The link for application is


If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

Cheers, Anja

On Mon, 15 Feb 2021, Anja Schroeder wrote:

> Dear B2 OC members,
> It is time for us to prepare for the next elections on the 
> vice-president and Organising Committee members for the IAU B2 commission.
> First, I need information on who of you will continue to serve on the 
> OC: the usual term is 2 trimester.
> Second, I'd like to ask our vice-president, Chenzhou, if he is willing 
> to serve as president for next semester. If not, we need to nominate 
> at least one person for election.
> We need to nominate one or two persons to serve as the new 
> vice-president. Ideally, the nominations should come out of the OC.
> We also need to open elections for the new OC members, replacing those 
> who leave. Since we only have three OC members, but a commission of 
> our size should ideally have 5-6 OC members, I suggest to go for 6 
> members. There are two ways to nominate people: we can ask the 
> commission members for (self-)nominations, of nominate members 
> ourself. I should remind you that we need to keep an eye on the IAU's 
> gender and geographic equality recommendations, that is, we should 
> take care to have people form various countries/continents and both 
> genders on the OC.
> Let me know your thoughts on how to construct the new OC. As to the 
> information on who of you will continue and hwo many OC members we 
> should have, please answer me within the next two days since the IAU 
> needs that information as soon as possible.
> Cheers, Anja Schroeder
> B2 Commission President
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