IVOA May Interop - Registration OPEN

Janet Evans janet at cfa.harvard.edu
Tue Apr 6 13:46:42 CEST 2021

Dear IVOA Community,

We are happy to announce that Registration for the Northern Spring Virtual IVOA Interop (May 25-28 UTC) is now open. 

** Here is a link to the meeting and registration web page:
   https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2021 <https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2021>

*Special topics* we are planning for this May include a focus on Science Platforms with several dedicated sessions, and a DataModel Workshop focusing on the Measurements, Coordinates and Transform models' ability to support science threads and data in the context of Cubes and Sources.  More details available soon.

We are asking for community led presentations and contributions to the topics above or that of your choosing. The meeting web page supports abstract submission for presentation consideration. Contributions at this Interop are 10-12 minutes in length with additional time for Q&A.  We will be in contact with participants as abstracts are accepted. 

There is no fee associated with this meeting.

** Here is a Registration/Abstract schedule:
	- Monday 5 April 2021 - Registration opening 
	- Monday 5 April 2021 - Abstract submission opening 
	- Monday 17 May 2021 - Abstract submission closing 
	- Saturday 29 May 2021 - Registration closing 

** Here is a pointer to the high-level meeting schedule. The schedule will be populated with sessions in the coming weeks.
 https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2021 <https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2021>

Please email interop_helpdesk at ivoa.net <mailto:interop_helpdesk at ivoa.net> if you have any questions.

We look forward to another successful Interop meeting in May!!

Best regards,
-janet, pat, & marco

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