Questionnaire: Best Practices of building an Interoperable Data Archive for Multi-wavelength Astronomy

Lucian Botha lucian at
Tue Jun 30 06:39:30 CEST 2020

Dear IVOA Community, 

My name is Lucian Botha an MSc. Computer Science degree at the University of Cape Town. My supervisor is Prof. Rob Simmonds. I am working at the South African Astronomical Observatory and doing part-time studies. 

I set up these questionnaires to help me answer research questions about the best practices of building an Interoperable Data Archive for Multi-wavelength Astronomy. 

Please could you take part in my survey or refer me to archive staff and users that might be able to assist? 

Here are the links to the questionnaires: 

User Experience: 

Support Staff: 

If your institution does not allow Google Forms you can find the questions in a text document format in the attachment. 

Kind regards, 
Lucian Botha 

Senior System Administrator - South African Astronomical Observatory 
P.O.Box 9, Observatory 7935 
Tel: +27 021 460 9308 
Mobile: +27 72 651 8650 
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