Multi-messenger and Transient Astronomy White Paper

Patricia Whitelock paw at
Sat Jul 18 12:05:10 CEST 2020

Members of the IVOA might be interested to read the White Paper 
( just announced by the IAU: . This describes 
the  outcomes of a workshop held in Cape Town in February and 
identifies potential bottlenecks for transient and multi-messenger 
astronomy into the next decade. Ada Nebot, as Chair of the IVOA Time 
Domain Interest Group, participated in the workshop.

Some of the recommendations from the White Paper are specific to time 
domain and multi-messenger astronomy, but others address challenges 
faced by many astronomers involved in international collaborations.  
Within the recommendations are several references to IVOA; following up 
on these offers opportunities for highlighting the important role the 
IVOA plays within astronomy, and thereby  strengthening the relationship 
between the IAU and the IVOA.

Patricia Whitelock (co-chair of SOC for Transients2020)

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