Fwd: Planetary Science Informatics and Data Analytics (PSIDA 2020) Conference, 22-24 Jun 2020, ESAC, Madrid

Christophe Arviset Christophe.Arviset at esa.int
Fri Feb 14 17:30:24 CET 2020

Dear all

Sorry for the "spam" but I thought some of you could be interested by 
this conference, in particular the Solar System IG, but may be others as 



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN: PSIDA 2020 Conference, 22-24 Jun 
2020, ESAC, Madrid
Date: 	Wed, 22 Jan 2020 17:31:38 +0100
From: 	PSIDA 2020 <psida2020 at sciops.esa.int>
To: 	PSIDA 2020 <psida2020 at sciops.esa.int>

Dear All,

As participants of the previous Conference and/or expressing your 
interest in the upcoming one,  please be informed, that the registration 
for the PSIDA 2020 Conference is now open and can be accessible at :


Let us take as well this opportunity to remind you to submit your 
abstract before the Friday, 27 March 2020.


     * *R E G I S T R A T I O N    I S    N O W    O P E N* *

                                    PSIDA 2020

                       Planetary Science Informatics
                              and Data Analytics

                              ESAC, Madrid, Spain
                                 22-24 June 2020


Please note in your agenda the dates for the upcoming PSIDA 2020 Conference.

This year conference topics include, but are not limited to:

  * Data Architecture, Management and Technologies
  * Data Archiving
  * Data Interoperability
  * Data Exploitation and Collaboration Platforms
  * Visualization and Analysis Applications
  * Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  * Data Processing and Algorithm
  * Data Fusion/Data Integration
  * Big data, cloud computing, and scalable computing

The conference will take place at ESAC, Villanueva de la Canada, Madrid 
on 22-24 June 2020.

All information can be found on the web page at : 
https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/psida-2020/home and feel free to contact 
the LOC by email at psida2020 at sciops.esa.int 
<mailto:psida2020 at sciops.esa.int> , if you have any questions.

Many thanks.

Best regards,
PSIDA 2020 Local Organizing Committee

Thanks in advance



Christophe ARVISET                       Christophe.Arviset at esa.int

Head of the Data Science and Archives Division
Science and Operations Department, Directorate of Science
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
European Space Agency (ESA)

Camino Bajo del Castillo s/n
Urb. Villafranca del Castillo
28692 Villanueva de la Canada - Madrid        Tel: +34 91 813 12 78
SPAIN                                         Mob: +34 655 05 43 03

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