Call for contributions to the Semantics session

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Tue Sep 17 09:39:10 CEST 2019

Dear IVOA community,

To help us prepare our session in Groningen, it would be great if you
could tell us about Semantics topics you would like to see discussed
there.  Of course, we particulary invite talks on Semantics-related
topics, including, but not limited to, applications for vocabularies,
either existing or projected.

We also have just uploaded the brand-new proposal for Vocabularies in
the VO 2.0, which is geared towards the smallish, easy-to-maintain word
lists that have been popping up everywhere lately (see also

So, in case you're looking for inspriation, see -- any feedback, in particular
from people outside the Semantics WG proper, is highly welcome in
Groningen (and beyond).

While we can accomodate any kind of contribution, giving a talk of 5-15
minutes on your topic(s) is highly encouraged.  To register a talk,
please send a mail with a title and your preferred contribution format.

       -- Markus and Carlo

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