Source DM topic session in Gröningen

Laurent Michel laurent.michel at
Mon Sep 9 13:20:45 CEST 2019

Dear all,

The source DM session in Paris was rather successful. Very interesting talks from data providers, data curators and client 
developers  have been given for a large audience.
Some work has been achieved since May to figure out a possible response to the requirements expressed in Paris. This will be 
published as an IVOA note very soon.
In addition to this follow-up and to keep the momentum we propose to arrange a topic session in  Gröningen.
If you are interested in participating to this session in any way, please tell us.


LM with François, Marco, Tom, Mark CD and Jesus


Laurent Michel
SSC XMM-Newton
Tél : +33 (0)3 68 85 24 37
Fax : +33 (0)3 )3 68 85 24 32
Université de Strasbourg <>
Observatoire Astronomique
11 Rue de l'Université
F - 67200 Strasbourg

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