Fwd: IVOA: return travel 13 October and 4-mile run event in Groningen

Gerard Lemson glemson1 at jhu.edu
Fri Oct 11 19:46:35 CEST 2019

Here the missing attachments

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From: adass2019 <adass2019 at astron.nl>
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 1:53:46 PM
To: Gerard Lemson <glemson1 at jhu.edu>
Subject: RE: IVOA: return travel 13 October and 4-mile run event in Groningen

Classic mistake, here it is.
>>> Gerard Lemson <glemson1 at jhu.edu> 11-10-2019 12:23 >>>
Hi, I did not see an attachment.

From: adass2019 <adass2019 at astron.nl>
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 12:21
To: adass2019 <adass2019 at astron.nl>
Subject: IVOA: return travel 13 October and 4-mile run event in Groningen

Dear IVOA participant,

Coming Sunday 13 October there is the 4-mile run event in Groningen. This is a large event and parts of Groningen (inner) city are not accessible - also not by foot. Taxis and buses will have to make a detour to Groningen railway station. A map with the trail of the run is attached. The start is in Haren (south from Groningen). The trail is running east from Groningen railway station and ends in the city centre via Heerestraat at de Vismarkt.

If you are leaving on Sunday and are on a tight schedule, we advise to take into account extra time to reach Groningen railway station.

kind regards,
LOC IVOA October 2019

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