MOC 1.1 and VOTable 1.4 (nearly) at RFC

Tom Donaldson tdonaldson at
Fri May 3 20:54:31 CEST 2019

Dear IVOA,

The Applications Working Group has two standards revisions that are *almost* ready to enter the Request For Comment (RFC) period.  These documents both have stable Working Drafts, but still need reference implementations and validator(s) in order to enter an official RFC period.

If you have (or plan to have) implementations, please note them on the RFC page.  If you have other comments on the documents, please comment the RFC page.

VOTable 1.4 RFC page:

MOC 1.1 RFC page:

During this exercise, I made a few cosmetic/organizational changes to the Apps WG home page (  The page is due for some more curation (e.g., I haven’t checked the external links for relevance lately), so if you have suggestions or see problems, please notify the apps at<mailto:apps at> list.


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