VOTable 1.4 Working Draft

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr
Tue Feb 12 23:13:09 CET 2019

Dear all, dear François,

Yes that would be very good to introduce this optional attribute to 
COOSYS and i wil make it fully parallell to TIMESYS. We actualy already 
discussed this in College Park



Le 12/02/2019 à 15:38, Francois Ochsenbein a écrit :
> Hello,
> I was pleased to read the announcement of the VOTable 1.4 draft; the
> "un-deprecation" of the COOSYS element simplifies the reference to one
> or several coordinate systems used in a VOTABLE, at the cost of a loss
> of generality. However it seems to me that an "origin" or "refposition"
> attribute, which specifies the origin of the coordinate system
> (barycentric, geocentric, etc) is currently missing in the COOSYS
> element, and this new version represents a good opportunity to fix this
> gap; the list of possible origins is identical to the list of reference
> positions associated to the "refposition" attribute of the TIMESYS
> element. However this attribute, which did not exist in version 1.1,
> could hardly be mandatory...
> Cheers,
> François Ochsenbein
> ==> Le vendredi 2019-02-01 à 15:32+0000,
>      Tom Donaldson <tdonaldson at stsci.edu> a écrit:
>> Dear IVOA,
>> We are pleased to announce that the first Working Draft for VOTable
>> version 1.4 is ready for review at
>> http://www.ivoa.net/documents/VOTable/20190131/ .
>> The driving reason for this update is to implement the recommendations
>> of the note, "A Proposal for a TIMESYS Element in
>> VOTable" (http://www.ivoa.net/documents/Notes/TimeSys/index.html ).
>> Since the scope of the changes is relatively narrow, we are hoping
>> that this review process can move quickly, ideally proceeding to
>> official Recommendation (REC) shortly after the Paris Interop
>> meeting.  If you have an interest in this update, or will be obligated
>> to have an interest (TCG), please review at your earliest convenience
>> and bring comments and concerns to the Applications Working Group list
>> (apps at ivoa.net ).
>> In addition to the changes driven by TIMESYS, please note the new
>> language in section 3 attempting to clarify some subtleties regarding
>> namespace and schema versioning (also see
>> http://www.ivoa.net/documents/Notes/XMLVers/20180529/ ).  Feedback on
>> all aspects of the document is welcome.
>> I will also propose a slight change in the syntax for TIMESYS (to
>> *require* the use of "ref" in TIMESYS references), but I will leave
>> that for a separate thread on the Apps WG list.
>> Regards,
>> Tom

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