First Working Draft for VODataService 1.2

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Mon Oct 29 13:44:48 CET 2018

Dear IVOA,

I have uploaded a first public working draft of VODataService 1.2 to
the document repository.  See

If you look at it, there are a few more todo-boxes than I'd usually
have in a public WD; this is because we (as Registry) really need
input from other working groups there.  Since VODataService, via
VOSI, is an integral part of standards like TAP, it has a fairly
immediate effect on those.

Among the open questions to DAL, Apps, Solar System and possibly
others are:

* Do we need non-celestial reference frames now?
* How do we want to represent sync/async/capabilities/tables-bundles
  in the registry (a.k.a. what's ParamHTTP's successor for complex VO
* Do we want keywords for non-electromagnetic messengers in waveband
  (or somewhere else) now?
* What extended metadata on table columns would be useful for you?
* What extended metadata on tables would be useful for you?
* [mainly for nerds:] Would anyone be seriously cross if we changed
  the meaning of footprint/@ivo-id to what (apparently) everyone is
  using it for?

Anyone interested in these questions: Comments and suggestions are
gratefully appreciated; while I regrettably can't make it to the
interop, there will also be a talk on this in the Registry session.

Theses are the main changes that are already in:

* use coverage/(spatial|temporal|spectral) instead of
* use CatalogResource instead of DataCollection (in accordance with
  discovering data collections)
* new @nrows attribute on table to indicate size
* various minor changes to make things consistent with newer TAP

          -- Markus

PS: As usual, you're welcome to commit (even just proposed) changes
directly to

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