Call for presentations at the Interop meeting in College Park (November 8-10)

Mireille LOUYS mireille.louys at
Fri Oct 26 22:36:49 CEST 2018

Dear VO members,

This is a *second* call for contributions to the Semantics session for 
the next IVOA Interop meeting in College Park , MD .

Here are some news about the current content of the session :

  * advertise  :  now has vocabularies on line
  * discussion, decision : publish the skos vocabulary for  theory on  and publish as an endorsed note (if necessary) ?  F.
  * presentation / summary : scenarios of usage for an
    instrument/facility lookup system on the documentalist side ? M.Louys
  * discussion : how can a vocabulary evolve ? current practice and
    requirements for data link for instance

There is still time for presentations so if you would like to present a 
talk , please provide a short title and the approximate time you would 

Many thanks
Looking forward to see you in College Park.

Best regards , Mireille ( Semantics chair)


-- *Mireille Louys, Maitre de conferences* CDS IPSEO, MIV, Laboratoire 
Icube Observatoire de Strasbourg Telecom Physique Strasbourg 11 rue de 
l'Université 300, Bd Sebastien Brandt CS 10413 F- 67000-STRASBOURG 
F-67412 ILLKIRCH Cedex tel: +33 3 68 85 24 34

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