Chapter about VOs in BigSkyEarth book

Fabio Pasian pasian at
Mon Mar 12 11:40:43 CET 2018

There ia a lot of talking about multi-messanger astronomy (MMA), as this 
is a very logical direction to head towards. MMA requires standards for 
data interoperability, to be undertaken by all relevant facilities: 
otherwise, no MMA is possible. The VO has been dealing with standards 
for data interoperability for over 15 years; is there anybody around 
wanting to re-invent the wheel?
I may be too naive in saying that *there is* a future of the VO ... but 
would be interested to hear different opinions from people wiser than me.


Fabio Pasian
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
Via G.B.Tiepolo 11 - I 34143 Trieste - ITALY
office: +39 040 3199180 ; mobile: +39 349 3587893
fax: +39 040 309418
skype: fabio.pasian
e-mail: pasian at

Il 08/03/2018 09:59, Giuseppe Longo ha scritto:
> Are yoi tryimng to say that there will be also a future?
> GL
> ==========================
> *Giuseppe Longo*
> *Professor of Astrophysics*
> Accademico Pontaniano
> Associate - California Institute of Technology
> Associate . INFN and INAF
> --------------------------------------------
> Department of Physics "E. Pancini"
> University Federico II in Napoli (I)
> via Cintia 26, Napoli I-80125
> Tel. +39 081676142
> On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 6:39 PM, Rob Seaman <seaman at 
> <mailto:seaman at>> wrote:
>     Some might assert that we're still in the VO's prehistory ;-)
>     Rob
>     --
>     On 3/7/18 9:42 AM, Djorgovski, Stanislav G. wrote:
>>     Dear Peter et al., I’d be happy to contribute some text about the early (pre)history of the VO, and the origins of the astroinformatics “movement”.  Thanks, George
>>>     On Mar 7, 2018, at 5:33 AM, Petr Skoda<skoda at> <mailto:skoda at>  wrote:
>>>     Dear colleagues,
>>>     as you may still remember I started to announce at Shanghai interop
>>>     the idea of putting together the book about knowledge discovery in astro and geo informatics. I also bothered many of you during EWASS in Prague. At that time was not clear a lot of issues. This book is intended as a result of our COST action BIG SKY EARTH  TD1403 where are participating also many people from astroinformatics circles,  IVOA and Gaia, LSST etc ...
>>>     In recent weeks the shaping of the book content and the leading authors of chapters started to be fixed (still some flexibility expected)
>>>     details will be given later to interested co-authors.
>>>     We with   Adam Fathalrahman from DLR are the main book editors.
>>>     As the topic also covers the accessing data , querying and processing at their storage place (because the BigData) one full chapter (probably led by myself) will be devoted  to Virtual observatories, data federalisation and such topics - in both astronomy and Geo sciences. We already have some idea how to tackle this.
>>>     So I am looking for possible contributors from IVOA who  would be able to fulfill following requirements. I will cooperate with all of them to join their content with other parts of the book.
>>>     1) To summarise in say 10 pages the main points of the astronomical VO standardization - short history which led to IVOA (I would appreciate namely Bob Hanisch, Francoise and other 'fathers and mothers' of IVOA to contribute here)
>>>     2) To have a wider view in writing the text having in mind that the book will be read also by non astronomers from Geo community.
>>>     So no details about astronomical jargoons , or detailed explanation of protocols, please ;-)
>>>     3) Be able of sufficient abstraction of the basic explanation of key principles of registry, votable, TAP, UWS
>>>     ucd, importance of metadata (also doi ivorn stuff) should be explained best with giving analogies in other disciplines ....
>>>     4)Also developers from Theory group are welcome to describe shortly the SimDB and related stuff also mentioning cosmological simulations and need for querying and subcutting in them.
>>>     The deadline for delivering final chapter is end of June.
>>>     The involvement must be expressed immediately to me and Adam.
>>>     The book will be closed source published probably by Springer, although Elsevier is in play as well - the decision will be made soon.
>>>     All the contributors will be indexed in main databases and will be given discounts for the all books from the selected publisher plus other benefits (sorry no direct money).
>>>     I am awaiting your emails expressing deep interest  ASAP.
>>>     Best regards,
>>>     Petr Skoda
>>>     *************************************************************************
>>>     *  Petr Skoda                         Phone :+420-323-649201, ext. 361 <tel:+420%20323%20649%20201>  *
>>>     *  Stellar Department+420-323-620361 <tel:+420%20323%20620%20361>            *
>>>     *  Astronomical Institute CAS         Fax   :+420-323-620250 <tel:+420%20323%20620%20250>            *
>>>     *  251 65 Ondrejov                    e-mail:skoda at <mailto:skoda at>   *
>>>     *  Czech Republicskoda at <mailto:skoda at>           *
>>>     *************************************************************************
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