Suggestion about visa application

Chenzhou CUI ccz at
Tue Apr 11 17:37:17 CEST 2017

Dear colleagues,

It is only one month away from the IVOA Spring Meeting 2017 in Shanghai. 
Due to the complexity of official invitation letter, it takes usually 2 
to 3 weeks and even longer. We need submit your information to the 
Chinese Academy of Sciences. The procedure is out of control of me and 
the LOC.

If you haven't gotten the official invitation letter till now, I 
seriously suggest you to apply for a tourist visa for the meeting as 
soon as possible.

The full mailing address of Dr. Yansong Xue is as the following. Please 
use it as local contact point.

Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
80 Nandan Road, Shanghai 200030, China
Email: xys at
Tel: +86-021-64386191

So sorry for the inconvenience!

Sincerely yours,
Chenzhou Cui

Chenzhou Cui
National Astronomical Observatory | Tel: +86-10-64872500
Chinese Academy of Sciences       | FAX: +86-10-64888708
20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District | Email: ccz at
Beijing 100012, China             | WWW:

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