Fwd: [sea-anuncios] Fwd: Fwd: La Serena School for Data Science: Applied Tools for Data-driven Sciences

Enrique Solano Marquez esm at cab.inta-csic.es
Mon Apr 3 14:52:43 CEST 2017

Dear colleagues,

In case it is of your interest.



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	La Serena School for Data Science: Applied Tools for
Data-driven Sciences
Date: 	Fri, 31 Mar 2017 18:18:19 -0300
From: 	Amelia Bayo <amelia.bayo at uv.cl>
To: 	profesores at ifa.uv.cl <profesores at ifa.uv.cl>, Juan Kuznar
<juan.kuznar at uv.cl>, Harvey Rosas <hjrosasq at uv.cl>

In case any of your students are interested to apply or know somebody

This year we will add to our "regular" program, a "bio" component (on
top of astronomy and some finances examples), so the school broadens
even more its horizons.

Any questions, feel free to contact me.


*La Serena School for Data Science: Applied Tools for Data-driven

The 2017 School will be held August 21-29
Applications will open March 1, and be due by Apr 30, 2017
Eligible students include advanced undergraduates and early graduate
*/Registration is now OPEN! /*

*/Please check out the /**/2017 Registration page/*
more information./*

The volume and complexity of astronomical data continues to grow as the
current generation of surveys come online (PanSTARRS, Dark Energy
Survey, VISTA). Astronomers will need to work with giga, tera and even
petabytes of data in real time (LSST). This poses the challenges
of developing and using new tools for data discovery, access, and
analysis. At the same time, there are new opportunities for
interdisciplinary research in applied mathematics, statistics, machine
learning, crowd-sourcing, etc. Astronomy provides a sand-box where
scientists can come together from diverse fields to address common
challenges within the "Big Data" paradigm.

The LA SERENA SCHOOL FOR DATA SCIENCE: Applied Tools for Data-driven
Sciences is an intensive week of interdisciplinary lectures focused on
applied tools for handling big astronomical data. Participants will be
instructed in how astronomical data are processed, accessed and
analyzed, including reduction pipelines, databases, and scientific
programming.  The School will be taught by an international and
interdisciplinary group of professors who will use real data and
examples.  Participants will work on team-based projects and be provided
training and access to the National Laboratory for High Performance
Computing located at the University of Chile's Center for Mathematical

*Lecture topics include:
- Image analysis
- Databases
- Statistical tools applied to large data sets
- Machine Learning
- High Performance Computing
- Cloud Computing*

The Schools take place annually in August on the *AURA Observatory
campus in La Serena, Chile*.  Students from different disciplines are
encouraged to participate, including (but not limited to) astronomy,
computer science, statistics, and mathematics. There is a registration
fee for participants, which covers room and board (except dinners) and
travel to the school.  Thanks to the support of the U.S. NSF and CONICYT
in Chile, scholarships will be available for most participants from the
U.S. and Chile.  See the annual program page for more information.

Prof. Dr. Amelia Bayo Arán

Instituto de Física y Astronomía
Fac. de Ciencias, U de Valparaíso
Gran Bretaña 1111, Playa Ancha
(+56 32) 250 8311
amelia.bayo at uv.cl


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