Call for DAL talks in cape Town

Carlos Rodrigo crb at
Fri Apr 29 13:43:25 CEST 2016

Hi François

Is there still room for talks in the DAL sessions?

I think I could give one about "SimDAL implementation" if there is still room for it.

> Dear VO members,
>    This our call for contributions to the 3 DAL sessions next month in Cape Town.
>       We are specifically waiting talks :
>            - Giving reports on SODA services and  SODA client implementations with comment on the WD.
>            - Feedback on SIAV2 and DataLink
>            - Discussion on next version of TAP and ADQL
>            - Comments on DALI 1.1 WD.
>            - Comments and implementation reports about VTP and SimDAL
>       Any other stuff will be accepted as long as we have some slot for it during the 3 sessions
> Best regards
> Marco and François

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