New IVOA Validation Page

Tom McGlynn (NASA/GSFC Code 660.1) tom.mcglynn at
Mon Apr 18 22:12:46 CEST 2016

During the last TCG telecon I volunteered to help put up a page 
providing an introduction and summary of all validation capabilities 
associated with IVOA standards. I've begun this effort at where my 
plan would be to ultimately mirror the IVOA standards page with an entry 
for every standard -- there's a long way to go.  There will be a talk on 
this at Cape Town, but I'd certainly be interested in comments earlier 
or from those who are not attending.
  I've sent out this original note generally, but I'd suggest responses 
on the Ops list.  Feel free to comment on the format, arrangement and 
such as well as the content.  What would make this most useful to the 
IVOA and our constituents?

I would be <very> appreciative of people responsible for various 
validation capabilities adding to or revising the current entries.

     Tom McGlynn

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