New version of SIAV2 Proposed recommendation

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at
Fri Aug 28 11:33:15 CEST 2015

A new version of the SIAV2.0 proposed recommendation edited by Pat is 
now on line
The differences with the version of June the 10th is some additional 
cleaning up of various things and a change in the QUERY parameters 
consistent with the compromise obtained in Sesto for AccessData.
Hopefully this version is ready for recommendation.
Best regards
François and Marco.
On 10/06/2015 18:48, François Bonnarel wrote:
> Dear all,
>      After the TCG review with a good deal of changes to make in the 
> Document. It is now on line and the TCG review comments have been 
> answered. Please have a look and more on this in Sesto.
> Best regards
> François and Marco

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