Volute replacement

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Tue Aug 25 09:33:12 CEST 2015

Dear colleagues,

Quite a few standards developers within the VO have been using the
Volute repository[1] on Google code in recent years.  As Google plans
to shutting down Google code, that repository went read only today.

In the past couple of months, Volute users investigated various
options for maintaining a shared, version-controlled repository in
particular for standards/document development.  After investigating
several alternatives including github, we decided to stay with svn
for Volute with its focus on document development[2]; some arguments
were that we'd probably have to manually pull apart volute into
separate github projects because git's partial checkouts are somewhat
painful and that ivoatex[3] makes ample use of svn:externals, for
which git doesn't provide a satisfying replacement.

In consequence, GAVO prepared a mirror of Google code's volute.  It
went read/write today and is now available starting at


Contributors to the "old" Volute should already have received their
credentials for commit privileges.  If you want commit privileges,
too, please contact me with your choice of username and password
(you're welcome to encrypt using the PGP key I've attached).

I'm sure there'll be some teething trouble -- if you encounter
issues, please complain directly to me (rather than this mailing

Finally, let me thank Norman Gray for the original initiative to
create Volute as well as for guiding it along these past years (the
initial commit was on 2007-12-03).



[1] https://code.google.com/p/volute/
[2] note that there is no formal IVOA endorsement of Volute, in
    particular not for software development.  So, let's not start any
    VCS wars.
[3] a document preparation system described in
    http://ivoa.net/documents/Notes/IVOATex/index.html (this document
    still has to be updated for the move of the repository).
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