Edu session at the June 2015 Interop in Sesto?

Petr Skoda skoda at
Mon Apr 27 14:32:53 CEST 2015

> and simbad, vizier, the databases and the vizualisation tools are 
> VO-compliant.
> Tell us if you are interested in our présentation.
> Best regards,

I think its more useful for everyone = not only teachers.
So it would suite better the Apps session.
I am afraid the Edu session will be in conflict with others and so you 
case will not be seen by people who should see it -  not being interested 
in education anyway ...

In Edu session I would rather expect reports about dissemination 
activities, success of VO lessons at universities ... etc ...
defining strategy how to introduce VO technology in undergrad and postgrad 
studies (the level, complexity of use cases ....)

Just my opinion.


*  Petr Skoda                         Phone : +420-323-649201, ext. 361 *
*  Stellar Department                         +420-323-620361           *
*  Astronomical Institute AS CR       Fax   : +420-323-620250           *
*  251 65 Ondrejov                    e-mail: skoda at  *
*  Czech Republic                                                       *

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