IVOADoc - website, wiki, and mailing lists

David Schade David.Schade at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Thu Sep 4 17:01:34 CEST 2014

Hi Sarah,

  I want to thank you once again. The work you've done has been 
excellent and central
to the success of IVOA.

  We owe you in a big way.


On 14-09-04 6:50 AM, Sarah Emery Bunn wrote:
> Dear Interop,
> The transition of services from Caltech to VO India and Italy is now
> complete. The website and document repository are hosted in India, and
> the wiki and mailing lists in Italy.
> If you encounter problems with any of these services, please write to
> ivoadoc at ivoa.net. There are several people on this list now from all
> the sites involved, so your issue will be addressed by one of them.
> I will remain on that list until October 1 to support the transition.
> It has been a true pleasure supporting the IVOA for the past four
> years. I have learned a great deal and truly enjoyed all my
> interactions with you, especially the ones when we could be together
> face to face at the Interop meetings! Thank you for your support and
> just being a great bunch of people to work with.
> Best wishes,
> Sarah

Dr. David Schade
Scientist and Group Leader
Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
National Science Infrastructure
National Research Council Canada

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