IVOADoc - website, wiki, and mailing lists

Sarah Emery Bunn sarah.emery at caltech.edu
Thu Sep 4 15:50:45 CEST 2014

Dear Interop,

The transition of services from Caltech to VO India and Italy is now
complete. The website and document repository are hosted in India, and
the wiki and mailing lists in Italy.

If you encounter problems with any of these services, please write to
ivoadoc at ivoa.net. There are several people on this list now from all
the sites involved, so your issue will be addressed by one of them.

I will remain on that list until October 1 to support the transition.
It has been a true pleasure supporting the IVOA for the past four
years. I have learned a great deal and truly enjoyed all my
interactions with you, especially the ones when we could be together
face to face at the Interop meetings! Thank you for your support and
just being a great bunch of people to work with.

Best wishes,


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