SIAV2.0 RFC period annoucment

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at
Wed Jul 30 23:29:18 PDT 2014

Dear IVOA members and participants,

         After several months of intensive discussion within the Working 
Group the SIAV2.0 Working draft  reached the status of "proposed 
recommendation" more than two weeks ago.

         The latest version of the specification document can be found 

         The "request for comments" period is starting today and will 
stop on Tuesday, September the 9th at midnight, immediatly followed by 
the 4 week TCG review period. If no serious issue is discovered during 
these two periods of comments and review, SIAV2.0 could become a 
recommendation at the fall interop time.
          You can find the RFC page there:

Good comments work and best regards to everybody

François Bonnarel
Marco Molinaro

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