
Norman Gray norman at astro.gla.ac.uk
Wed Aug 13 05:14:10 PDT 2014

Markus, hello.

[Replying to interop at ivoa.net -- should discussion of this take place here?]

On 2014 Aug 13, at 11:11, Markus Demleitner <msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:

> So, if you're about to start a new IVOA document (notes included) or
> plan to do substantial revisions on an old one, please at least have
> a quick look at ivoatex.  It is available from volute, with a brief
> introduction available at
> http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/ivoapub/ivoatex/README

A couple of random remarks:

  * \documentclass{ivoatex/ivoa}

It looks weird having a directory specifier in there.  Better might be to have the document class be simply {ivoa} and have the LaTeX system find it with TEXINPUTS.  If you're expecting to drive this from a Makefile, then that's easy to arrange.  I notice that in the ivoatex Makefile there's 

> TEXINPUTS=.;ivoatex

...which is a Windows-style setting of this environment variable.  The more usual one would be 

> TEXINPUTS=ivoatex:

  * \input ivoatex/tthdefs

That looks weird in a LaTeX document (which in any case doesn't acknowledge the existence of \input without {...braces...}.  It might be neater to rename tthdefs.tex to tthdefs.sty and include it with \usepackage{tthdefs}.  Also, why can't this be simply incorporated within ivoa.cls?

  * The README says

> * images: For now, we only really support pixel images; vector formats 
> 	wouldn't be hard except for possible dependencies.  Talk to the authors
> 	if you have a use case.  Otherwise, it's standard graphicx; there's
> 	an example with the architecture diagram in the document template.

I presume this is a tth limitation, yes?

See you,


Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

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