Fwd: Reminder: Register for Interop in Heidelberg by April 15, 2013

akk at iucaa.ernet.in akk at iucaa.ernet.in
Tue Mar 26 23:38:36 PDT 2013

Dear all,

Please don't forget to register for the next Interoperability Meeting (May 12-17, 2013) 
in Heidelberg  (Germany):

	Registration is open until April 15.

The Zentrum fuer Astronomy at Heidelberg University  (ZAH) is pleased to be
hosting the May 2013 IVOA Interop Meeting. Please visit the venue page at:


where you can find all relevant meeting and registration information.

We suggest to book your hotel room early because Heidelberg is a
touristic place where hotel rooms are in high demand in spring. We could 
reserve a limited number of rooms (only) until the end of March. Please 
make your own hotel arrangements following the links on the venue page.

If you need any information, please do not hesitate to contact the local
organising committee (LOC) at   
	interop at g-vo.org 

Best regards & looking forward to seeing you in Heidelberg,

Ajit Kembhavi (IVOA Chair)  
Joachim Wambsganss (for the May 2013 InterOp LOC)


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