Registration open for Hotwired 3 meeting

Rob Seaman seaman at
Wed Jul 3 10:44:23 PDT 2013

A meeting of interest to the IVOA community (and organized by various IVOA personages):

Registration is now open for:

	Hot-wiring the Transient Universe III
	13-15 November 2013
	Santa Fe, New Mexico

Hot-wiring the Transient Universe 3 will explore opportunities and challenges of massively parallel time domain surveys coupled with rapid coordinated multi-wavelength follow-up observations. The interdisciplinary agenda includes future and ongoing science investigations, information infrastructure for publishing observations in real time, as well as novel data science to classify events and systems to optimize follow-up campaigns. Time domain astronomy is at the fore of modern astrophysics and crosses fields from solar physics and solar system objects, through stellar variability, to explosive phenomena at galactic and cosmological distances. Recent rapid progress by instruments in space and on the ground has been toward a continuous record of the electromagnetic sky with ever increasing coverage, sensitivity, and temporal resolution. With the advent of gravitational wave and neutrino observatories we are witnessing the birth of multi-messenger astronomy.

For the Organizing Committee:

	Przemek Wozniak, Los Alamos National Laboratory
	Tom Vestrand, Los Alamos National Laboratory
	Josh Bloom, University of California, Berkeley
	Matthew Graham, California Institute of Technology
	Lynne Jones, University of Washington
	Mansi Kasliwal, Carnegie Observatories
	Ashish Mahabal, California Institute of Technology
	Tom Matheson, National Optical Astronomy Observatory 
	Andrej Prsa, Villanova University
	Rob Seaman, National Optical Astronomy Observatory
	Rachel Street, Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network
	John Swinbank, Low-Frequency Array for Radio Astronomy
	Lucianne Walkowicz, Princeton University
	Roy Williams, Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory

Rob Seaman, NOAO Science Data Management

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