No subject

Schade, David David.Schade at
Wed Dec 18 11:25:43 PST 2013

Hi all,

The outcome from an Exec + others telecon on Nov 20 concerning the migration of the IVOA Website, Document Repository and other services is that we have identified the following organizations that have volunteered to take on the following tasks.

VO-India--- has volunteered to operate and maintain the Document repository and Web site.

Vobs-Italy--- will maintain the wiki, email lists, and will own the domain name

SAO--- will be responsible for the Newsletter

Other---there is still a need for some backup/mirror capabilities

We greatly appreciate the willingness of these IVOA members to take on this work that is essential for our operations. We have agreed on a nominal time scale of 3 years for the commitments.

The remaining problem is to identify an organization that is willing to play the role of overall coordinator of these operational services. This organization would monitor how well all the systems are working and would report to the Exec on the status of the services and any issues. This message is being sent to a wide distribution list so that anyone can volunteer for this work. But we ask that all offers come through your Executive Committee members. The overall coordinator could be one of the organizations named above but could be another organization.

 If you are interested in helping out, please contact your Exec member who will forward the offer to the full Exec.

Many thanks to all who have volunteered. And many thanks to Sarah and the U.S. teams and sites who have done this work for many years.


Dr. David Schade
Scientist and Group Leader
Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
National Science Infrastructure 
National Research Council Canada 

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