FW: special issue of A&C on VO

Laurent Michel laurent.michel at astro.unistra.fr
Thu Dec 12 06:52:15 PST 2013

Hello Bob,

I could write a paper (or a chapter in a more general paper) about Saada in the section  "publishing  data in the VO" (by spring 
As I'm also developing TapHandle, a TAP WEB client. I could therefore write a contribution about it in some paper related to 
TAP. TapHandle is a too restrictive topic to justify one paper.


Le 05/12/2013 17:48, Robert J. Hanisch a écrit :
> Dear IVOA colleagues,
>    Following the recent IVOA and ADASS conferences in Hawaii I was approached by /Astronomy and Computing/ about the idea of
> having an issue (or issues) dedicated to VO tools and technologies.  I put together a tentative list of articles and potential
> authors (neither is intended to be complete, but rather suggestive).
> /A&C/ is indeed interested…the question is /are we interested/ as members of the VO community in writing these papers?
>    Given the number of potential topics and various schedule constraints people might have, we would not try to assemble
> everything into one issue.  Instead we would group articles either as they come in, or, if we could arrange it, on a topical
> basis (infrastructure vs. applications, say).
>    I think there is significant value in our documenting the VO in formal way, in the peer-reviewed literature, and /A&C/ seems
> an appropriate venue.
>    Before we commit to this I'd be interested to hear from those of you interested in contributing a paper.  Again, topics and
> authors are not limited to those listed below!  And if you are interested, particularly in leading a paper, please let me know
> on what sort of time scale you think you could produce a manuscript.
> Thanks,
> Bob
> p.s.  Full disclaimer:  I am on the /A&C/ Scientific Advisory Board, as are several other IVOA colleagues (Andy Lawrence,
> Masatoshi Ohishi, Fabio Pasian, Ray Plante, Arnold Rots).  Several people with VO connections are also members of the editorial
> staff (Alberto Accomazzi, Tamas Budavari, Norman Gray, Gerard Lemson, Tara Murphy, Andreas Wicenec).
> http://www.journals.elsevier.com/astronomy-and-computing/
> From: "Robert J. Hanisch" <hanisch at stsci.edu <mailto:hanisch at stsci.edu>>
> Date: Monday, 21 October 2013 1:05 PM
> To: "Stoop, Jose (ELS-AMS)" <J.Stoop at elsevier.com <mailto:J.Stoop at elsevier.com>>
> Subject: special issue of A&C on VO
>     From: <Stoop>, "Jose (ELS-AMS)" <J.Stoop at elsevier.com <mailto:J.Stoop at elsevier.com>>
>     Date: Friday, 18 October 2013 8:07 AM
>     To: "Robert J. Hanisch" <hanisch at stsci.edu <mailto:hanisch at stsci.edu>>
>     Subject: RE: Minutes A&C lunch meeting at ADASS
>         Hi Bob,
>         Thanks for your prompt response!
>         Re. VO issue: this idea was welcomed with enthusiasm within the board of Editors so I would be in support of setting
>         this up. Would it be an idea for you to write down a short proposal containing the topics and potential authors of the
>         issue? Am  I correct assuming you will the lead author for the VAO article? And would you be willing to act as Guest
>         Editor for the entire issue? I think we want an Editor involved as well for each special issue but we can decide upon
>         that later.
>     Overview/Introduction
>     o  Editorial:  myself, Francoise Genova, David Schade, etc.; basically the chair and past-chairs of the IVOA Executive.
>     o  IVOA organization and process (Christophe Arviset, Severin Gaudet)
>     Profiles of various VO projects
>     o  VAO; myself as lead author with senior members of the VAO project team
>     o  any others who choose to contribute
>     Key VO concepts and technologies
>     o  Resource discovery (Ray Plante, Gretchen Greene, Pierre le Sidaner)
>     o  Data discovery and access (Pat Dowler, Francois Bonnarel, Doug Tody)
>     o  Data models (Jesus Salgado, Omar Laurino, Mireille Louys)
>     o  Semantics (Norman Gray, Sebastien Derriere, Mireille Louys)
>     o  Theory and simulation (Franck le Petit, Rick Wagner, Gerard Lemson, Herve Wozniak)
>     o  Transient events and time series (Matthew Graham, Mike Fitzpatrick, John Swinbank, Roy Williams)
>     o  Distributed computational services (Andre Schaaff, Andreas Wicenec, Matthew Graham, Ray Plante)
>     o  Sky coverage specifications (Arnold Rots, Pierre Fernique, Gretchen Greene, Tamas Budavari)
>     o  VOTable (Francois Ochsenbein, Mark Taylor)
>     VO-enabled applications
>     o  TOPCAT (Mark Taylor)
>     o  SAMP (Mark Taylor. Tomas Boch)
>     o  Iris (Janet Evans, Stephen Doe, Ivo Busko. Omar Laurino)
>     o  VOSpec (Pedro Osuna, Jesus Salgado)
>     o  VOSA (Enrique Solano et al.)
>     o  Data Discovery Tool (Tom Donaldson, Tom McGlynn)
>     o  WWT (Jonathan Fay)
>     o  Others…
>     In all cases I would be looking for articles that are more than just "this is what we did."  Of more interest is the "how"
>     and "why".  How does the VO work?  Why were the choices made the way they were?
>     If everyone above agreed to participate it would be a massive issue!  But extremely useful, I think!
>     The author lists are suggestive, not exhaustive.
>     See what the editors think, José.
>     cheers,
>     Bob


---- Laurent MICHEL              Tel  (33 0) 3 68 85 24 37
      Observatoire de Strasbourg  Fax  (33 0) 3 68 85 24 32
      11 Rue de l'Universite      Mail laurent.michel at astro.unistra.fr
      67000 Strasbourg (France)   Web  http://astro.u-strasbg.fr/~michel

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