IVOA website downtime

Sarah Emery Bunn sarah.emery at caltech.edu
Wed Apr 10 10:17:24 PDT 2013

Dear Interop,

At long last the new IVOA web pages are ready for deployment. This
will happen Wednesday April 17, 2013 at 9AM Pacific time. While we
move files around and test there will be some downtime, and things may
be a little unstable for an hour or so after we come back up. The wiki
will remain online. If anyone has urgent reasons why next Wednesday is
a terrible time for this to happen, please let me know ASAP.

If you are interested in helping us test the new site when it is
deployed and are available between 9-12 Pacific time next Wednesday,
please let me know. I would be grateful for the help!

Sarah Emery Bunn

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