LIGO open data survey

Ajit Kembhavi akk at
Fri Oct 7 00:46:21 PDT 2011

Dear Roy,

Your message comes at an amazing time.  There is a discussion going on 
between India and the USA about the possibility of installing an advanced 
LIGO detector in India,a s a collaboration between the two countries.  I 
am in fact making a presentation to the NSF this evening (our time), and 
people from the LIGO project will be making presentations too. 
Regardless of whether or not the project is accepted by the NSF and 
Indian agencies, IUCAA will have a LIGO data and analysis centre.  So 
LIGO data will be of particular relevance to VOI, and perhaps we can all 
work together.

I will eb in Pasadena on Nov 1--12, but that will eb for  TMT  meeting.


On Wed, 5 Oct 2011, Roy Williams wrote:

> Dear Astronomer
> Gravitational wave astronomy is coming, thanks to the LIGO and Virgo advanced 
> detectors that will be online at or after 2015. The LIGO Scientific 
> Collaboration will release open data to the broader community, including 
> rapid alerts for follow-up observation, and the detected strain corresponding 
> to astrophysical detections. In order to make the open data program most 
> useful to astronomers, LIGO is asking you to fill in a survey about what you 
> see as most important for us to support.
> Please take a few minutes to fill in the survey on LIGO Open Data at the link 
> below. You don't have to answer all the questions. We really appreciate your 
> time and thoughts.
> Thank you
> Roy Williams
> LIGO Caltech

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