LIGO open data survey

Roy Williams roy.williams at
Wed Oct 5 08:50:12 PDT 2011

Dear Astronomer

Gravitational wave astronomy is coming, thanks to the LIGO and Virgo 
advanced detectors that will be online at or after 2015. The LIGO 
Scientific Collaboration will release open data to the broader 
community, including rapid alerts for follow-up observation, and the 
detected strain corresponding to astrophysical detections. In order to 
make the open data program most useful to astronomers, LIGO is asking 
you to fill in a survey about what you see as most important for us to 

Please take a few minutes to fill in the survey on LIGO Open Data at the 
link below. You don't have to answer all the questions. We really 
appreciate your time and thoughts.

Thank you
Roy Williams
LIGO Caltech

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