UTC meeting announcement

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Thu Jun 30 11:02:08 PDT 2011

As announced in Naples, I'm co-chairing a meeting on the redefinition of UTC with Steve Allen at UCO/Lick Observatory and a fellow from the astronautics community:


Note that the final dates for the meeting are 5-6 October, to be held near Philadelphia.

The IERS has circulated the announcement:


and folks like Daniel Gambis (who oversees the leap seconds) and Ken Seidelmann (of Explanatory Supplement fame) will be speaking.

Several of us also have an article in the current issue of American Scientist:

	(preprint: http://arxiv.org/abs/1106.3141)

Redefining UTC will have wide-ranging implications for astronomical systems and software, including the Virtual Observatory.  This is a systems engineering issue, not just a programming problem.

Apologies to any who receive multiple copies.


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