AstroInformatics 2011: September 25-29, 2011

IVOA Document Coordinator ivoadoc at
Mon Jun 27 11:19:12 PDT 2011

AstroInformatics 2011:  the second international conference

Sorrento, the Amalfi Coast, Italy, September 25-29, 2011

Astronomy is rapidly becoming exponentially data-rich, and the tasks of 
data management, data exploration, and knowledge discovery become 
central to the research enterprise, bringing along many technical and 
methodological challenges. Information and Communication Technology 
could also provide the stage where to interact, publish, preserve and 
disseminate knowledge.

The newly emerging field of AstroInformatics is a bridge between 
scientific challenges posed by the exponential growth of data volumes 
and complexity in astronomy, and applied statistics, computer science, 
and engineering. Our goal is to engage a broader community of 
astronomers and computing and informatics professionals in developing 
and applying new tools and techniques for the data-rich astronomy in the 
21st century. A key component of this is training of a new generation of 
computationally empowered students and scientists.

The main focus of this year's conference is on practical tools for 
knowledge discovery and exploration in large and complex data sets. We 
will also have topical workshops on Practical AstroSemantics, 
Computational Education for Scientists, and the WorldWide Telescope.

For more details, please see the conference website,

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