IVOA Decemeber 2010 Interop programme

Paolo Padovani ppadovan at eso.org
Wed Nov 17 08:40:50 PST 2010

Dear all,

Nic and Severin have produced an almost final programme for the next 
Interop in Japan:

All chairs of the Working Group and Interest Group sessions
should set up their agendas at their earliest convenience.

Regards, Paolo

Paolo Padovani                  Phone:  +49-89-32006478
Head, VO Project Office         Fax:    +49-89-32006898
European Southern Observatory   WWW:    http://www.eso.org/~ppadovan/
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2       E-mail: Paolo.Padovani at eso.org
D-85748 Garching bei Muenchen

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