From Peppe Longo: KDD IG

Fabio Pasian pasian at
Thu May 6 00:01:22 PDT 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Prof. Giuseppe Longo" <longo at>
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 1:51 PM
> Dear friends
> As you know the EXEC has (almost) ratified the charter for the IG in KDD
> (Interest Group - Knowledge Discovery in Data Bases) and in Victoria there
> will be two short (1.5 hr each) sessions dedicated to the topic.
> The idea is to have one session devoted to a short discussion of a few
> items which are the very heart of the IG and the second one devoted to
> organize the work to be done and to appoint the persons in charge.  Most
> of the time will be devoted to general discussion.
> I would therefore like to ask the people who are interested in DM to
> propose titles of short contributions addressing any of the following
> topics (between quotes speakers who have already accepted to give
> a short overview):
> - existing tools and infrastructures for KDD
> - template data sets for KDD
> - new algorithms and or tools which are of relevance to the VObs (M.
> Brescia, others welcome)
> - semantics and KDD (M. Graham)
> - science cases for KDD
> Giuseppe Longo
> ============================
> Prof. Giuseppe Longo
> Department of Physical Sciences
> University Federico II
> via Cinthia 9, 80100 Napoli, ITALY
> Tel. +39-081-676912

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