Aladin release 6 announcement

Pierre Fernique fernique at
Tue Sep 8 07:56:13 PDT 2009

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce Aladin release 6:

=> A quick overview:

It integrates the following new developments:

* Undergraduate mode: Aladin simplified interface for undergraduate
* SAMP compatibility: Support for the new PLASTIC standard called SAMP
   allowing interoperability between several VO applications
* Calibrated JPEG: AVM and FITS keywords support in JPEG images for
   reading and writting astrometrical calibrated colored images
* Dynamical histogram: Interactive histogram for browsing current
* Photometry tools: tools for simple photometry measurements (by circles
   or polygons)
* Simbad fast access: fast Simbad access allowing very large queries
* VizieR whole catalog: new checkbox in the VizieR forms for downloading
   whole catalogs
* Full screen: Full screen support and preview window support
* RGB, Blink and pixel computations: supported for non-calibrated images
* Undo position list:for going back to the previous locations
* FITS Rice: Support for FITS RICE compression
* "get" script: get script improvements allowing not positional
   parameters and SIA/SSA filtering
* FoV rotation: FOV rotation center control
* Translation: Italian (G.Iafrate), German (F.Freistetter), Persian

Thomas Boch, François Bonnarel, Anaïs Oberto
and Pierre Fernique

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