WG and IG Chairs

Dave DeYoung deyoung at noao.edu
Tue May 6 17:47:16 PDT 2008

Dear IVOA Members;

A number of Working Group or Interest Group Chairs have
terms that will be ending soon, and the Exec would like to
consider candidates for new Chairs at the May meeting in
Trieste.  Nominations for WG and IG chairs can be made by
any member of the IVOA, and thus this messages is an
invitation for any of you to nominate candidates that you
think would be suitable.

The upcoming vacancies and the outgoing Chairs are as
  Applications - Mark Allen
  Semantics - Andrea Preite-Martinez
  VOEvent - Roy Williams
  VOTable - Francois Ochsenbein
  Theory IG -  Gerard Lemson
  (The succession for the TCG Chair has already been set.)

If you have any nominations you wish to make, please send
to me the name(s), together with a few words that explain
why you think each candidate is suitable.  Please do Not
send your nominations to the exec mailing list or to any
other list.  Thank you for your assistance and advice.

Best wishes,


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