Version numbering

Bruno Rino brino at
Tue Jun 24 08:23:41 PDT 2008

Hello all,

On 24/06/2008 12:16, Norman Gray wrote:
> In fact the document is self-contradictory, since it says in section 
> 5, "The version numbering scheme for [...] Recommendations follows the 
> same pattern[...], beginning with version 1.0: '1.0  // first formal 
> release of the document at this level", but then almost immediately 
> says "PR V2.1 becomes REC V2.1".
I don't see any contradiction, as long as all the text is included: "The 
version numbering scheme for formal Working Drafts, Proposed 
Recommendations, and Recommendations follows the same pattern as shown 
above, beginning with version 1.0: '1.0  // first formal release of the 
document at this level"

That being said, I'd agree that "PR V2.1 becomes REC V2.1" is confusing, 
although its meaning is well intended: the content of the document 
remains the same, it's only thes maturity status that changes. Hence I 
second your proposal of including the maturity status in the version 
number, making it something like "PR-2.1" and "REC-2.1". But I don't 
support the "PR-20080301" version number, mostly because it breaks all 
the existing document numbers.


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