citing IVOA standards

Anita M. S. Richards a.m.s.richards at
Tue Jun 17 01:38:48 PDT 2008

Dear all,

This is a very valuable discussion, the most important reason being the 
need to get VO tools and standards cited _at all_, which is vital for our 
future funding and for the careers of the engineers and computer 
scientists!  So, whilst, it will be important to get a standards form 
agreed, the priority should be to encourage all users to include any form 
of citation which serves the basic purpose of identifying the authors and 
providing a route to find the paper.  Most astronomers will just take the 
form of their citation either from a previous citation or from ADS - 
sadly, if something isn't in ADS and they are not copying a previous 
citation, they will probably forget to cite a web document _unless we 
provide an example of how to cite it at the beginning_ - just an idea..

The other reason to get into ADS is because that gives the easiest way to 
link to one's own publications - and to get citation counts (I am sure 
that there are many other ways - I don;t want to start a debate - I am 
justs pointing out what happens in most cases in reality).

best wishes


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Dr. A.M.S. Richards, AstroGrid Astronomer,
Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Alan Turing Building, 
University of Manchester, M13 9PL
+44 (0)161 275 4124
MERLIN/VLBI National Facility, Jodrell Bank Observatory, 
Cheshire SK11 9DL, U.K. +44 (0)1477 571321 (tel) 571618 (fax)

On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, [ISO-8859-1] Séverin Gaudet wrote:

> In the current IVOA Report and Roadmap document undergoing final revision in 
> the TCG, there is a TCG topic proposed for discussion called "Standards 
> numbering nomenclature" 
> ( 
> ). This mail thread supports the need for that discussion.
> Séverin
> On Jun 16, 2008, at 3:00 PM, Norman Gray wrote:
>> Igor, hello.
>> On 2008 Jun 16, at 22:38, Igor Chilingarian wrote:
>>> 1) IVOA Recommendation.
>>> 2) IVOA Note.
>> I agree that in most formal circumstances, it would only be appropriate to 
>> cite a Recommendation, and either of the forms of citation mentioned in 
>> this thread would be able to make clear the nature of the document. 
>> However, there doesn't seem to be any need to forbid other documents, even 
>> Notes, from being cited, if the citing author thinks it appropriate.
>>> I like Norman's idea of using a version number in the bibcode, however 
>>> there may be some drawbacks connected to the possible hierarchical nature 
>>> of version numbers, i.e. 0.9.3b or something like this.
>> One of the peculiarities of the IVOA document process is that all version 
>> numbers are constrained to be of the form n.nn (0 <= n <= 9).  I happen to 
>> think this prescription is a bit nuts (a version string is a tuple of 
>> integers, not a real number), but in this case it has the fortunate 
>> side-effect that an IVOA document version number is always four characters.
>>> Why I decided to raise again this issue: the reason is simple (and stupid) 
>>> -- I don't want to lose my citations / publications, neither wish my 
>>> colleagues do so. And I do think that being a co-author of a IVOA standard 
>>> is much more than to write yet-another-{A&A|MNRAS|ApJ|etc.}-paper and it 
>>> requires much more efforts and much more resposibility.
>> That sounds like an _excellent_ reason to me.
>> Best wishes,
>> Norman
>> -- 
>> Norman Gray  :
>> Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester

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