next generation of Sky in Google Earth

Alasdair Allan aa at
Tue Jan 22 05:54:27 PST 2008


> I am also interested in using Google/WWT imagery to mashup as part  
> of a VO application (Vim). What I would like is a cutout (~100  
> pixel) service that comes back fast with the color imagery for ~50  
> positions. I already have a cutout service that uses original FITS  
> and accurate re-projection, but it is slow. And the Google API  
> simply brings up a map browser, and I don't think I can make ~50  
> tiny map browsers all in bed together. What would be good is a  
> service that simply returns a cutout or an image tile.

You can do this directly, this is exactly what I did for (one of the  
two) version of Google Sky on the iPod touch... see here,


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