Astronomical data and the Virtual Observatory

Ray.Norris at Ray.Norris at
Tue Jan 22 03:23:53 PST 2008

Dear IVOA member 

This email is to invite you to submit a paper for the CODATA 2008
conference on

"Scientific Information for Society - from Today to the Future" in Kiev,
Ukraine, 5-8 October 2008

I am planning to organise a significant session during this conference
on "Astronomical Data and the Virtual Observatory", and plan to pull
together many of the topics for this conference into this area,
including (but not limited to):

* Role and operation of data centres and data services in the future
* The Virtual Observatory and its application commercial applications
(Google Sky, WHT) 
* Interoperability
* Managing Astronomical Data in the Petabyte era
* Development of open access, data commons, information commons and open
* Preserving and digitizing legacy data
* Crossing the digital divide: Accessing scientific & technical data in
developing countries;
* External threats to freedom of access;

The web page is on, and you
should follow the instructions there for submitting abstracts. 

The deadline for submitting a short abstract is 1 February, but there is
some flexibility - please contact me if you want to submit an abstract
but can't do so by the deadline, or if you have any other questions.
Note that registration details (cost etc) are not yet available but you
can submit an abstract now without making a commitment. The cost is
likely to be moderate.

My apologies if you receive this email more than once.

With best wishes

Ray Norris

President, IAU Commission 5, and
Chair, IAU Working Group on Astronomical Data

CSIRO Australia Telescope National Facility
PO Box 76, Epping, NSW 1710, Australia
Phone +61 2 9372 4416
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