IVOA web site for VO-related training presentations

Robert Hanisch hanisch at stsci.edu
Fri Jan 18 07:25:02 PST 2008

Dear IVOA colleagues,

  I took an action from the IVOA Executive to set up a simple web site for
those who wish to share VO-related training materials:  presentations,
tutorials, videos, webcasts, etc.  This was motivated by our awareness of a
number of excellent training events, such as summer schools and other
national and international workshops, and the hope that such materials would
be useful to others in the VO community.

  This site has been set up as part of the IVOA Twiki.  It is linked from
the "About IVOA" page at ivoa.net, under "Training Materials and


It is just a simple Twiki table, and I have entered a few sample
presentations and links to workshops and summer schools as a starting point.
Please feel free to add your own links and upload presentations and other
materials that you think others might find of interest.  I suggest that
people put the most recent materials at the top of the table.

  If you use information from this site in your own presentations, I am sure
the original authors and projects would appreciate an acknowledgement!


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